Custom "In Memorium" Pendant

Sabrina has been such a sweet, and wonderful client this past year, stopping in to say 👋 when she's downtown (we love it when you do that!). A few months ago she stopped in with her sweet dog Remmy, he was 14 years old and his little body was in decline. He crossed the rainbow bridge soon after and Sabrina wanted to commission an in memorium pendant to honor his bright soul and keep a little piece of him wherever she went. Remmy was a deep black color, and she liked how black tourmaline had the raw rough texture on the top and the opaque jet black color matching Remmy's coat. We had a local lapidary artist cut us a piece of tourmaline in the shape she wanted and set the piece in a 14k yellow gold thick bezel on an arrow patterned baseplate with Remmy engraved in the back. What a heartfelt tribute to her best friend that she can take on all her journeys. Thank you for trusting us with your custom in memorium pendant Sabrina. Safe travels!